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    Homeopathy Treatment for Warts

    A wart is identified by a small, rough growth resembling a cauliflower or a solid blister.  Often seen on an individual’s hands or feet, they can occur in other locations. Warts, although embarrassing and painful, are mostly harmless and are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).   They are contagious and easily spread to other parts of the body and to others also.  Sometimes, they occur around the genitals.  In women, genital warts can lead to cervical cancer.

    Warts typically are asymptomatic except when they occur in weight-bearing areas. Depending on the location of warts, five major types of warts include common warts, plantar warts, flat warts, filiform warts, and periungual warts.

    In case warts appear around sensitive areas of the body like genitals, mouth, nostrils or, if any signs of bleeding, infection in the form of pus are observed, see a doctor immediately.

    In the case of diabetes, take extra precautions when dealing with warts.  Always observe proper sanitation of hands and feet and other parts of the body and don’t pick at your warts. Surgery may be preferred to remove warts as the last option.

    Why should you choose Homeopathy Treatment for warts?

    Homeopathy treatment for warts is very effective. it builds immunity to the HPV and effectively reduces warts over time. Consult our homeopaths at Dr. Kiran’s Homeo Life Homeopathy for a thorough treatment of warts.

    If Ignored Where the disease may lead the patient to?

    If left untreated, warts can grow to an inch or more in circumference and can spread into clusters of several warts; these are often called mosaic warts. Like any other infectious lesion, plantar warts are spread by touching, scratching, or even by contact with skin shed from another wart.

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      • clockMon-Sun 08:00 AM- 09:00 PM
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